Back to school is upon us, and now is the time to start looking for tips and tricks to help your children in advancing their education outside of the school walls. We have prepared a list of our top 5 toys that we think will help make your kids get smarter. Let's get to it then, chop chop!
#5 Snap Circuits
Snap Circuits makes learning about science, and especially electricity and electronics, fun. This is probably one of our favorite STEAM toys. Now with a world revolving around technology and with so much more robotic equipment around us, we think it's a good idea to learn how circuits work. Just what are these robots made of? How are these electronic devices of ours even made?
For this particular game, there are no wires or even tools needed: just snap the plastic modules together and create your own pathway. These electrical components provide children ages 8+ with hands-on experience designing and building models of working electrical circuits. Learn about the flow of electricity, resistors, amplifiers, sound, lights and much more.
The award wining Snap Circuits are endorsed by educators worldwide and used in schools, libraries, museums, and even STEAM programs. So to use them at home is a huge bonus because your kids already know how it works. This game will definitely make your kids the talk of the school during those science experiment projects.
Ages: 8+
Skills: logic and cognition, concentration, visual, auditory, fine motor.
Price range: 65-110$
#4 Mathlink Cubes
Mathlinks is the fun, colorful, easy way to learn math the old fashion way. Stack 'em, sort 'em, count 'em, group 'em... Young children will get a hands-on experience with a variety of math concepts with this activity set of connectable, twistable and colorful cubes. This will help children visualize math problems rather than have numbers thrown at their face. Mathlinks are also great for at home or on the go families.
Ages: 4+
Skills: counting skills (1-100), grouping, patterning and sorting, logic, cognition, visual, fine motor, organization.
Price range: 25-40$
#3 Timeline
We know many of us hate history. Like, who cares, the past is behind us, it's done, so what? NO! We get it, learning about the past is super boring. Yeah we know! But in order to prepare the next generations for the future we have to teach them how important the past is. Yes, we used the present tense because the past IS important. When we learn what happened in our history, chances are we will not repeat the same mistakes and we will create a better future for all.
This is the lesson we learn from playing Timeline. This is such a fun way to figure out at which point in time do certain events occur such as discoveries, inventions, historical event like wars or signing of declarations of peace. And of course Timeline wants to be playful, duh it is a game, so there are also Timeline Music and Cinema for those cinephiles.
Not a bad deal! For only 25$ you could gain all the knowledge of our ancestors to pass your history tests. Well, you will pass your test if you study your notes too, so best do that also. Timeline is sold in English and in French.
Ages: 8+
Players: 2-8
Time: 15 min
Skills: concentration, memory, fine motor, cognition, socialization.
Price: 25$
#2 Brainbox
Parents, you are finally free from the clutches of your young children. It's the teachers turn now to take over for most of the day right? OK, so now that you have taken a break from the kids all day, time to get some after-school parents-children bonding time with Brainbox. We cannot stress how important education is and how it does not end at school. There are so many variations of Brainbox game that you could play with your kids from learning the alphabet, to learning about the planets in our solar system. This memory trivia game will definitely make your kids and maybe even you smarter. It will show you how well your children can retain information and might even have a better memory than some parents. These games come in many language such as English, French and even Greek.
Ages: 3+
Skills: memory, socialization, cognition, reading, math, language.
Price range: 20-40$
#1 Coding Robots
And we come full circle, or circuit if you will, back to electronics. But this time instead of looking at the hardware, like with the Snap Circuits, we are going to be looking at the software. Ah! Electronic mumbo jumbo talk! Don't worry, these coding robots are much simpler than they appear. I mean if they are meant for 4 year olds, how hard can they be right?
Coding critters, Artie 3000 and Botley are the first in a line of many coding robots. We believe that introducing simple coding games at a young age will develop the child's understanding of technology and not just take it for granted. Instead of giving the kids an table and say "Ok here Jimmy, go and play", with these award winning STEAM games, you are handing them the opportunity to understand how these robot works. Understanding how a robot works will make your kid smarter because they will have to program and code the robots to move in the direction they want and complete an obstacle course. They will be telling the robots what to do! How cool does that sound?
Skill: cognition, creativity, concentration, independence, visual, auditory, logic, organization.
Price range: 75-150$
These have been Jouets LOL Toys selection of STEAM toys to make your kids smarter. Hope you enjoyed the read. As always Play Together, Play Forever!
Written by Joanna Felemegos
Top 5 des jouets pour rendre vos enfants plus intelligents
La rentrée est à nos portes, et il est maintenant temps de commencer à chercher des trucs et astuces pour aider vos enfants à faire progresser leur éducation en dehors des murs de l'école. Nous avons préparé une liste de nos 5 meilleurs jouets qui, selon nous, aideront vos enfants à devenir plus intelligents. Allons-y alors, chop chop!
#5 Snap Circuits
#4 Cubes de Mathlink
#3 Timeline
#2 Brainbox
#1 Coding Robots
Et la boucle est bouclée, ou circuit si vous voulez, retour à l'électronique. Mais cette fois, au lieu de regarder le matériel, comme avec les Snap Circuits, nous allons nous pencher sur le logiciel. Ah! Le charabia électronique! Ne vous inquiétez pas, ces robots de codage sont beaucoup plus simples que ce qu'ils apparaissent. Je veux dire si elles sont destinées à 4 ans, à quel point peuvent-ils raison?
Créatures de codage, Artie 3000 et Botley sont les premiers d'une série de nombreux robots de codage. Nous pensons que l'introduction de jeux de codage simples à un jeune âge développera la compréhension de la technologie chez l'enfant et ne la tiendra pas simplement pour acquise. Au lieu de donner aux enfants une table et dire « Ok ici Jimmy, allez jouer », avec ces jeux primés de STEAM, vous les remettre la possibilité de comprendre comment ces travaux de robots. Comprendre le fonctionnement d'un robot rendra votre enfant plus intelligent car il devra programmer et coder les robots pour qu'ils se déplacent dans la direction qu'ils souhaitent et terminent un parcours d'obstacles. Ils diront aux robots quoi faire! Ça a l'air cool?
Âges : 4+
Compétence : cognition, créativité, concentration, indépendance, visuelle, auditive, logique, organisation.
Gamme de prix: 75-150$
Il s'agit de la sélection Jouets LOL Toys de jouets STEAM pour rendre vos enfants plus intelligents. J'espère que vous avez apprécié la lecture. Comme toujours, jouez ensemble, jouez pour toujours!
Écrit par Joanna Felemegos