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Greek Puzzle of Greece and its Animals (H Ellada kai ta zwa ths) 40 pcs - Jouets LOL Toys

Greek Puzzle of Greece and its Animals (H Ellada kai ta zwa ths) 40 pcs


The box contains a puzzle-map of Greece in 24 pieces, and 16 animals with their bases. 

Ages: 4+

Dimensions: 13 x 8.25 x 2.5 in

Weight: 0.90 kg

La boîte contient un puzzle-carte de la Grèce en 24 pièces, et 16 animaux avec leurs socles.

Âges : 4+

Dimensions : 13 x 8,25 x 2,5 pouces

Poids : 0,90 kg

?? ???t? pe??e?e? e?a puzzle-?a?t? t?? ???adas se 24 teµ, ?a? 16 ??a µe t?? ßase?? t???.  

?????e?: 4+

??ast?se??: 13 x 8,25 x 2,5 ??tse?

?????: 0,90 kg 

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